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Davidson County Inmate Search - Tennessee

Davidson County inmate search, help you search for Davidson County jail current inmates, find out if someone is in Davidson County Jail, Davidson County Hill Detention Center in Nashville, TN, Davidson County Maximum Correctional Center in Nashville, TN and Davidson County Offender Re-Entry Center in Nashville, TN.

Davidson County Correctional Development Center is located at 5113 Harding Place in Nashville, Tennessee, its ZIP code is 37211, for inmate information or jail visitation, call (615) 862-8123. Davidson County Hill Detention Center is located at 506 Second Avenue North in Nashville, Tennessee, its ZIP code is 37201, for inmate information or jail visitation, call (615) 880-1942. Davidson County Maximum Correctional Center is located at 5113 Harding Place in Nashville, Tennessee, its ZIP code is 37211, for inmate information or jail visitation, call (615) 862-8227. Davidson County Offender Re-Entry Center is located at 5131 Harding Place in Nashville, Tennessee, its ZIP code is 37211, for inmate information or jail visitation, call (615) 880-3840.

Davidson County inmate search is no longer available, please call the offender information center at 615-862-8123 to help you lookup inmates.

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