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Tuscaloosa County Inmate Search - Alabama

Tuscaloosa County inmate search, help you search for Tuscaloosa County jail current inmates, find out if someone is in Tuscaloosa County Jail.

Tuscaloosa County Jail is located at 1600 26th Avenue in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, its ZIP code is 35401, for inmate information or jail visitation, call (205) 349-4511.

Inmate Information

Tuscaloosa County inmate information may be obtained by phone or online. You should provide the inmate's full name or Inmate ID for requests.

Requests by Phone
Call the number(s) to find out the inmate's custody status:
Jail Main Desk (205) 349-4511
Chief Loyd Baker (205) 464-4662

Online Search
Use online search below to find Tuscaloosa County inmates.
If Tuscaloosa County inmate search is not available, click here.

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